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Music Volunteer Recognition

Our musical programs could not flourish without the numerous dedicated volunteers who put their time, energy, and hearts into the many music programs our schools offer.  

Do you know of a volunteer who deserves recognition or a special thank you?

HCPSM would like to help you recognize the wonderful volunteers who support the various school music programs in Howard County.  The nomination process is simple and the nomination form should only take a few minutes to complete.  Nominations are due date in April of each school year.  


The nominator should submit a nomination form, along with a brief summary of the volunteer’s contributions and accomplishments, describing the reasons for the recommendation.  Please NOTE that this is a recognition program and not an award program.  ALL volunteers who are nominated (as specified on the nomination form) will be honored.  Nominators do not need to submit multiple nomination forms or letters of support.  Please keep the summary to less than 300 words.  Please note that the information provided will be shared with the volunteer!

Nominees will be recognized at a regularly scheduled Board Of Education Meeting in May, with the permission by the BOE.  Volunteers' names will be called and the volunteer will be asked to stand and be recognized.  HCPSM's Music Educator of the Year Award is also presented at this meeting.  There will be a reception immediately following the BOE presentation with light refreshments and photo opportunities.  Volunteers will be presented with a Certificate of Appreciation at a reception.

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